And then there were two...

What an incredible day we had this past Sunday.  It was the culmination of a journey that Pastor David began back in high school when he recognized his gifting and surrendered to the ministry. Our church leadership and congregation had the privilege of commissioning the Robarts to launch out into a new sphere of stewardship at Open Door Baptist Church.  As I sit here today, it doesn't quite seem to have sunk in that my friend, fellow laborer, and staff pastor is no longer here.  I'm going to pull an aged adult moment, "It just seems like yesterday!" that he arrived at FBC.  Yet, here I sit almost three years later reflecting on all God has done during that time and under their stewardship.

Pastor David and Ms. Dawna did a wonderful job of calibrating a student ministry towards Christ, sharing His Gospel, and serving in His Church. My heart is blessed to see our young adults in the choir loft, using their instruments, ushering, greeting, running media, and many other ministries each week.  I am overjoyed when I hear of their walk with Christ, what they are reading in the Word, and how they are encouraging one another through spiritual accountability.  Further, to see our many adult leaders who are involved in the One Cause student ministry blesses my heart.  I also want to take time to thank each of you as members for investing in them, being patient with them, letting them "fail forward,” supporting them, and befriending them.  I also want to express my gratefulness for your trust in our staff philosophy.  When we speak of "come, grow, go", we know it means going through the difficulty of developing a relationship with someone only to see it change; thank you for your maturity regarding this.  It is our desire for pastoral staff members (and their families) to enjoy serving Christ here with us, be an edifying help to us, and us being a blessing to another congregation in the future by sending them out to it.  Again, as your pastor, I say thank you.  

Where do we go from here?

  • Seek to encourage one another about what God is doing through our church and its leadership.

  • Pray for the right staff fit God has for the church here.

  • Take time to talk with and encourage our students.

  • Offer to step into some of the roles or positions that need someone due to the shifts from the transition.

  • Set our sights on Easter weekend- who will be your guest?

Serving Together,

-Pastor Paul