It's "THAT" Holiday Time Again...

DISCLAIMER- What I am writing about this week may not be palatable or profitable for everyone. I fully embrace each Christian's ability to make decisions about matters of conscience differently from one another. That stated I want to tackle the idea of how to use Halloween as a ministry opportunity.

DISCLAIMER NUMERO DOS- This article is NOT about the merits of if you should or should not participate in the holiday. Again, I stand by your decision to practice your soul liberty and I attempted to make the NT outlook regarding celebratory days known through our Colossians series last year.

DISCLAIMER NUMERO TRES- Whatever your personal outlook, I trust you can enjoy or interact with the article in gracious maturity. :) that all of that is out of the way, let's talk!

What if “Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?” isn’t the right question to ask at all? What if the question we should be asking is “How should we, as Christians, use this day to the glory and honor of God?”Or better yet, “How can we use Halloween as a ministry opportunity to better reach a world in need?”

Conversation Starter Costumes- Planning on dressing up? Why not dress up as a Biblical figure? I get that it may seem cheesy and probably won't lead to the conversion of those you meet, but it creates a moment to talk about the Bible. Study the character ahead of time with your kids and let them tell their friends about how cool the Bible accounts are! In a day where everyone loves them some superheroes, introduce some of the Bible's superheroes to them!

Invite Your Unsaved Friends Out- If you're already planning on doing some candy nabbing or going to a Trunk or Treat, why not reach out to a non-Christian family along with another family from your Bible study class? Dare we say, even invite them over for pizza afterward on YOUR DIME?!?!?! (Don't be a cheapskate and buy Red Baron....just don’t)

Pass Out Goodies & the Gospel- Halloween is the one night of the year when strangers show up on your doorstep looking for handouts and you don't have to call the cops. Why not make sure they walk away with something meaningful? Get the GOOD candy and pass out Gospel literature or church invites. (Spoiler alert...we will have something cool for you to hand out)

Open Door Opportunities- Sometimes, Halloween glorifies a culture of death, supernatural or mythical beings, and terror. Rather than wring our hands and lament the world "going to hell in a handcart", let's seize the opportunities it affords. These subjects- death, demons, etc.- are matters we have the clearest insight on! This gives us countless moments to meet our neighbors, talk with a coworker, or have a chat with your child's friend's parent.

Be THE Place- Maybe we should consider setting up lights, a table, signage, hand out coffee or cocoa, do face-painting, rent a popcorn maker, or have games to win candy? Maybe post it, responsibly, on social media or through your HOA group. Maybe rent a bounce house? I know, your home owner's insurance agent called and said, "NO!"...but consider being/becoming the "IT" place for your neighborhood.

I'm sure there are countless other ways we could consider, but let's start here.

If your conscience doesn't allow you to, no worries!

If you can, let's see how God will use it in your life!

-Pastor Paul