How to Make the Holidays Happy…

Do any of you enjoy being in the holiday spirit? Now I’m not talking about the people who start listening to Christmas music in July. Those people are weird and I stand by that. In my house, there is a strict no holiday music rule until after Thanksgiving. But this time of year has always been my favorite time when you an be with family and enjoy some festivities. However, there is a dark monster that looms at the door of the holiday season ready to steal your joy if you aren’t careful. That monster is materialism. It is something that can creep into the hearts and minds of all of us if we are not careful.

Thanksgiving has turned from being a day to be thankful for how many blessings we have in our lives into a day when we realize how much we don’t have and how much stuff we can buy because of the Black Friday sales. I have had family members go out on Thanksgiving itself for the deals as the stores are opening earlier and earlier.

Christmas can be a time when we with good intentions spend copious amounts of money on gifts while others rack up a substantial credit card bill. Our culture is trying to steal away the meaning of the best time of year by making it about what WE can get. So how do we keep materialism from stealing the thankfulness, contentment, and giving that should abound in this time of year?

Try eliminating the need to go out on Thanksgiving

Now I know that some may say, but “Derek I’ll miss all the deals.” I know, but maybe this thanksgiving you can focus on how truly amazing God has been this year. Think of the blessings he has given you and your family. Spend time just being with family in a spirit of gratitude for life with each other.

Make Christmas more about giving than receiving

The best Christmas I have ever had was not the one where I got the most gifts but rather the Christmas where my family took a gift to a church member's house every night in the month of December. This is the only acceptable form: a ding-dong ditch. We as kids loved leaving those presents for a family that didn’t have much and then inviting them over for Christmas dinner. It taught me that giving always leaves you more content than any gift you receive.

Make a big deal about Christ through the holiday season

Remember this is an amazing time to share Christ. We are able to be thankful in spite of everything because of the gift of Christ. We are able to share Christ at Christmas, the greatest gift ever given. Don’t let the sly monster of materialism keep you from the greatest thing we as Christians have to offer: Jesus Christ.

- Brother Derek