You're Not Alone

Today, my wife and I had the privilege of hosting the Singles+ activity at our house.  What a gorgeous day to do so!  We enjoyed sitting under an EZup eating way too much food while a nice breeze swept over us.  We also took timeto read from Josh. 14 about the testimony of Caleb.  The lesson he teaches us in that section is that, if we are alive, God can use us greater than we think.  He rejoiced in what God had done in the past based upon His promises.  He knew God wanted to work in his future.  He made an impact on those younger than himself.  With each thought, we took timeto write down, then share how those truths were at work in our own lives. 

Here are some takeaways that encouraged me from this group:

#1 Testimonies- People shared about God's provision in their life, about Him caring for them day by day, about knowing they're not alone, Him strengthening their faith, etc.

#2 Plans- It was awesome to hear about how they wanted this group to be a blessing church-wide to singles regardless of age or why they are single.  This group isn't for "Seniors", it is for singles of any age (think Titus 2).  

#3 Name- There was a consensus that we need to find a label for the group that communicates who is involved and what they are attempting to do.  If you find yourself single, send in your suggestion this week to

#4 Be Involved-  Overall, there was the expressed desire to see others not currently involved to be included and understand there is an opportunity for them each month to be encouraged.  People were actively trying to think of those who need to be sought after and included that perhaps are unaware of the group or are unsure if they are welcomed to it.

My heart was encouraged by the testimonies and discussions to realize you're not alone.  The Father isn't derelict to His children.  No time of life, nor tragedy in life removes you from His care. Christ's Church cares for you.  There are people in the assembly who desire you to feel welcomed, to find encouragement, and want you around! 

You are not alone!

- Pastor Paul